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One Way to Understand your Child’s Strengths and Abilities.

The entrance exam or assessment is simply a way for the school to understand your child’s latent ability. Reasoning, writing, language, maths and spelling are assessed, but try not to worry, it is not a pass or fail exam. The schools are not assessing areas your child will not already have covered in their current school, although the language used may be slightly different. If you, or your child feel daunted in any way please speak to the school. 

How can I help my child prepare? 

As schools are testing for latent ability it is difficult to prepare, although some schools have sample questions on their websites.  The best thing to do is simply arrive relaxed and ready to do your best.  There’s no need to be anxious as schools have your child’s best interests at heart and will do their best to make the setting relaxed. Refreshments are provided and parents are free to wait outside. 

Parents occasionally ask whether they should employ a tutor in advance to coach their child, and our best advice is to speak to the school before considering this option. 

Are some schools easier to get into than others?

Some schools are non-selective and some schools have long waiting lists. If a school is over-subscribed there is a possibility they may have to disappoint families who have performed well in the exam.

Are only the brightest students chosen?

Independent schools in Scotland welcome a diverse range of pupils at their schools. If your child is particularly gifted and talented in one area such as maths, music, sport or drama it is worth asking about scholarships. Scholarships are non-means tested awards given as the result of a competitive selection process.

Check out the extra-curricular activities on offer at Scotland's independent schools and look here on how to choose a school that's right for your child.