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Independent schools nurture and support their pupils from day one – this is especially apparent in the early learning years, where pupils are developing formative skills and knowledge that will impact them throughout the rest of their school years and beyond. 

During these vital formative years, it’s essential that you know your child’s development, both academic and social, is being taken care of to the highest standard. Keep reading to find out why an independent school is the first choice for supporting your child’s early learning experience. 


A solid foundation 

The early stages of childhood, usually between 0-8 years, is where they learn more quickly than at any other time in life. These are also the years in which children experience rapid cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. 

Therefore it is vital that they are stimulated, cared for and supported as much as possible to give them a solid and healthy foundation for their later years. Independent schools can offer this kind of environment in their nurseries and junior schools.  



Another benefit of attending an independent school during the early years is that children can then have a largely stress-free transition to the main school.  

Parents can take comfort from knowing that their child is in a safe, supportive environment and that their transition from nursery to primary school will be an exciting and encouraging time for them. 

This transition is then mirrored throughout their school career – for example, in our blog with Edinburgh Academy on their junior school, their Head of Junior School and Nursery Gavin Calder said: 

“We try to minimise these worries by making the change as gradual as possible. The senior school team visit the junior school and teach lessons for the students in Primary 6, and the Rector of the senior school attends our assemblies, quickly becoming a familiar face to the students.” 


An enriching experience   

Each independent school has its own ethos and values, so children who attend their nursery will learn these from the beginning of their education and be able to carry this through their entire school career.  

Creating this sense of belonging helps children feel more secure in themselves, allowing them to flourish academically, emotionally and socially. Independent schools also have access to a wide variety of enriching experiences – from outdoor learning opportunities and early access to modern languages to specialist teachers and hugely varied sporting and artistic activities. 

The majority also offer extensive support outside of school hours for busy parents – read our blog for an example of the kind of high-quality wraparound care schools can provide here. 


Care, attention and support 

Children at the early learning stage are like sponges, soaking up everything from the environment and people that surround them. Independent schools can give children access to the best possible quality of teaching and pastoral care, and this, alongside the small class sizes, ensures they will receive the individual care and attention to flourish.  

But don’t just take our word for it – head here to read more about one parent’s decision to send her son to an independent school nursery and the amazing benefits she has seen. 


If you are considering sending your child to a Scottish Independent School, SCIS can help you with your search – use ourfind a schooltool orget in touchwith us today.